Tracey Wood & Associates Case Wins

The attorneys at Tracey Wood & Associates have achieved favorable outcomes for thousands of clients.

Please click on links below to read through example case wins and schedule a free, no obligation case evaluation.

Drug Crimes
Sex Crimes
Theft & Burglary
Hit & Run
White Collar Crimes
Physical Violence
Eluding Police


Charge: OWI and PAC Second Offense

Hargrove, Jonuzi & Wood, led by Attorney Gibson Hatch, successfully secured not guilty verdicts for a client facing OWI and PAC second offense charges in Dane County. The defense demonstrated that the client was involuntarily intoxicated due to medication.

Result: Acquitted by Jury

Charge: OWI First Offense

Hargrove, Jonuzi & Wood, represented by Attorney Andria Savitch, successfully obtained a not guilty verdict in an OWI first offense case in Dane County.

Result: Acquitted by Jury

Charge: OWI Fourth Offense

Tracey Wood & Associates, led by Attorney Jake Wiese, successfully filed a motion to suppress regarding an unlawful seizure, resulting in the full dismissal of a felony drunk driving case in Clark County.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: OWI Third Offense

After three years of litigation, Hargrove, Jonuzi & Wood, represented by Attorney Andria Savitch, secured a victory in a Dane County jury trial for a third-offense OWI.

Result: Acquitted

Charge: OWI First Offense

Tracey Wood & Associates, represented by Attorney Jake Wiese, successfully argued that the intoxication tests were not administered in accordance with statutes, preventing the administrative suspension of the client’s license in Dane County.

Result: Administrative Suspension Prevented

Charge: OWI First Offense

Tracey Wood & Associates, represented by Attorney Jake Wiese, successfully argued that the client did not have a prohibited alcohol concentration at the time of operation, preventing the administrative suspension of the client’s license in Columbia County.

Result: Administrative Suspension Prevented

Charge: Drunk Driving and Traffic Violation

Tracey Wood & Associates recently secured a full dismissal of a drunk driving charge, along with an accompanying traffic violation, in Dane County. Attorney Gibson Hatch successfully argued that the client’s arrest was unlawful due to insufficient grounds for police to conduct field sobriety tests.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Fourth Offense Felony OWI

Tracey Wood & Associates achieved a significant victory in Dunn County, winning a collateral attack that reduced a fourth offense felony OWI to a third offense misdemeanor.

Result: Charges Reduced

Charge: OMVWI (Operating Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated) First Offense

Attorney Jake Wiese of Tracey Wood & Associates recently won a jury trial in Dane County for an OMVWI first offense. Jake successfully convinced the jury that his client did not operate a motor vehicle, resulting in a favorable outcome for the client.

Result: Not Guilty Verdict

Charge: OWI Fifth Offense with Child Passenger Enhancer

Tracey Wood & Associates, led by Attorney Teuta Jonuzi, successfully secured an acquittal for a client charged with OWI fifth offense with a child passenger enhancer in Dane County. The defense argued that the client needed to drive to escape harm.

Result: Acquitted by Jury

Charge: OWI

Tracey Wood & Associates, led by Attorney Andria Savitch, successfully amended an OWI charge to reckless driving in Grant County.

Result: Charge Amended to Reckless Driving

Charge: Drunk Driving

In Dane County, Tracey Wood & Associates helped a client facing a drunk driving charge by having Attorney Gibson Hatch skillfully reduce the charge to reckless driving.

Result: Reduced to Reckless Driving

Charge: OWI

Attorney Jacob Wiese of Tracey Wood & Associates successfully secured an offer to amend an OWI case to a reckless driving charge by filing a motion for specific performance based on a previous plea offer in Dane County.

Result: Case Amended

Charge: Boating OWI

Tracey Wood & Associates recently achieved the dismissal of a boating OWI (Operating While Intoxicated) case in Columbia County.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: OWI

Tracey Wood and Associates resolved another OWI case in Dane County, negotiating an amendment to an inattentive driving charge.

Result: Case Reduced

Charge: OWI

Tracey Wood and Associates recently prevailed in an OWI case through a suppression motion in Jefferson County. Our argument successfully contended that the officer’s actions led to an unlawful expansion of detention, constituting a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: 11th Offense OWI

In a testament to Gibson Hatch’s legal prowess, Tracey Wood and Associates secured the dismissal of an OWI 11th offense in Columbia County following a thorough preliminary examination, exemplifying their unwavering dedication to legal excellence.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: 3rd Offense OWI

Tracey Wood and Associates (Teuta Jonuzi) had a 3rd offense OWI in Columbia county won at jury trial. Her excellent defense was drinking after driving.

Result: Case Won

Charge: OWI 1

In a remarkable legal achievement, Schuyler Boggio of Tracey Wood and Associates successfully secured the dismissal of an OWI 1 case in Dane County, underscoring their commitment to delivering exceptional results for their clients.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: OWI

In another impressive legal accomplishment, Schuyler Boggio of Tracey Wood and Associates skillfully negotiated the amendment of an OWI case to reckless driving in Dane County, reflecting their dedication to achieving favorable outcomes for their clients.

Result: Charge Reduced

Charge: 5th OWI

By persuading a judge that imposing probation would not violate the Wisconsin statute, the attorneys Tracey Wood and Associates were able to achieve a probationary disposition for a client looking at prison time for a 5th OWI offense.

Result: Received a Probationary Disposition

Charge: OWI

When an OWI stop is deemed invalid, it means that the officer did not have sufficient grounds to stop the driver. The attorneys at Tracey Wood and Associates were able to file the proper motions and present supporting evidence to have a recent OWI case dismissed in court for a client in Dane County.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: OMVWI

Tracey Wood and Associates (Brendan Delany) just got a case amended to reckless driving from an OMVWI based upon convincing the prosecutor that the error range in the breath testing machine, plus the alcohol curve, brought the client under the limit. Saved the client a trial.

Result: Case Amended to Reckless Driving

Charge: 4th Offense OWI

Tracey Wood and Associates convinced the prosecutor to dismiss the charge because of the lack of evidence in Columbia County.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Reduce 3rd OWI to 1st

In Iowa County, Tracey Wood and Associates was able to reduce a third OWI charge to a non-criminal OWI first with no jail time.

Result: Case Reduced to Lesser Charges

Charge: First OWI

In Dane County, Tracey Wood and Associates was able to reduce a 1st DUI charge to reckless driving.

Result: Case Reduced to Lesser Charges

Charge: Refusal Hearing

In Dane County, Tracey Wood and Associates won a case involving a refusal hearing.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: OWI Charge

Tracey Wood and Associates just had a complete dismissal on an OWI in Dane county due to client incompetency.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: OWI

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just had an OWI amended to reckless driving in Dane County.

Result: Case Reduced

Charge: OWI

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just had an OWI amended to reckless driving in LaCrosse County and the refusal was dismissed.

Result: Case Reduced

Charge: Blood Test Refusal

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just won a refusal to submit to a blood test hearing in Juneau County.

Result: Case Won

Charge: 4th OWI

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just had a client with 4 OWI’s in the last month amended to lesser charges in various counties.

Result: Case Reduced to Lesser Charges

Charge: Drunk Driving

Had a drunk driving case that we took over for another attorney get dropped to reckless driving because we were able to convince the prosecutor this case was just like another one in Rock county that our firm had won on appeal.
Result: Reduced to Reckless Driving

Charge: Fourth Offense OWI

In Rock County, Tracey Wood & Associates won a jury trial for a client facing a fourth offense OWI.

Result: Acquittal

Charge: OWI Administrative Review Hearing

In Dane County, attorney Teuta Jonuzi won an administrative review hearing, saving a client’s license, for successfully arguing that a police officer’s administration of the field sobriety tests was lacking. The hearing examiner found no probable cause for the arrest.

Result: Client’s License Not Suspended

Charge: OWI

A client was charged with OWI in Sauk County. Tracey Wood and Associates worked to get this charge dismissed.

Result: Charge Dismissed

Charge: First Offense OWI and Refusal in Sauk County

Their attorney was able to challenge the reasons for the OWI investigation as well as whether the client was given the right information when making the decision on whether to agree to an evidentiary test. As a result, the charge was amended to a reckless driving.

Result: Charges Reduced

Charge: Felony Drunk Driving

In Columbia County, their attorney was able to convince the prosecutor there was not enough evidence to prove the firm’s client drove the vehicle, and the case was dismissed outright.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: First Offense OWI

In Sauk County, their attorneys successfully called into question the accuracy of the client’s blood test by showing that alcohol was tainting all blood samples run through the machine, even those that were known to be alcohol free. As a result, the charge was amended to reckless driving.

Result: Charge Reduced to Reckless Driving

Charge: Criminal OWI Offense

In Dane County, a client was charged with a criminal OWI offense. Our attorney got all charges dismissed by arguing that the police officer illegally pulled over his client without any evidence that his client had committed a traffic violation.

Result: Charges Dismissed

Charge: OMVWI

A client in Evansville was charged with OMVWI. The team at Tracey Wood & Associates worked to have this serious charge amended to a lesser charge of reckless driving.

Result: Amended to Reckless Driving

Charge: OMVWI

A client in Dane County was charged with OMVWI. After examining the video evidence of the stop, Tracey Wood & Associates argued that the officer’s report of the client’s performance on the field sobriety test did not match the performance captured on video.

Result: Charges Dismissed

Charge: 3rd Offense OWI

In Dane county, a client was charged with a third offense OWI. Tracey Wood & Associates worked t get the charges dismissed before the client’s case ever went to trial.

Result: Charges Dismissed

Charge: OWI and PAC

Client was charged with operating while intoxicated (OWI) and prohibited alcohol concentration (PAC) after the results of the breathalyzer showed his blood alcohol content was .21. Tracey Wood & Associates argued insufficient evidence and the client was acquitted of all charges.

Result: Acquittal (Not Guilty)


A client was charged with OMVWI (operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated) and PAC (prohibited alcohol content) in the City of Fitchburg. Tracey Wood achieved an amendment of these charges to a reckless driving.

Result: Charges Reduced to Reckless Driving

Charge: Multiple OMVWI’s

In less than a week, the firm secured two OMVWI dismissals on the behalf of two different clients. In both cases, Tracey and her team were able to show that police failed to tape and/or destroyed the tape of the arrest process.

Result: Cases Dismissed

Charge: OWI

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just had an OWI amended to an absolute sobriety violation in Dane County.

Result: Case Reduced

Charge: OWI

A client in Dane County was charged with OWI. Tracey Wood & Associates was able to have the charge reduced to a lesser offense of reckless driving.

Result: Charge Amended to Reckless Driving

Charge: Second Offense OWI

In Dane County, a client was charged with a second offense OWI. Tracey Wood & Associates was successful in defending the client against a prosecution that was not able to establish operation of a motor vehicle, as the client was found in a vehicle but was not currently driving.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: First Offense OWI

In Dane County, our attorney was able to demonstrate that the arresting officer violated his client’s right to an alternative chemical test. Based on this violation, the charge was dismissed.

Result: Charge Dismissed

Charge: Third Offense OWI

In Dane County, a client was charged with third offense OWI. Our attorney was able to obtain a not guilty verdict at a jury trial by showing that the client had not been driving his vehicle.

Result: Not Guilty Verdict

Charge: OMVWI

A client charged with OMVWI had the charges amended to a lesser offense, thanks to the work of Tracey Wood and Associates.

Result: Amended to Lesser Charge

Charge: OMVWI

Tracey Wood and Associates worked on behalf of a client to achieve an amendment of an OMVWI charge to a lesser offense.

Result: Amended to Lesser Charge

Charge: OMVWI

In Columbia County, Tracey Wood and Associates achieved a jury acquittal for a client charged with OMVWI.

Result: Jury Acquittal

Charge: OMVWI Administrative Review Hearings

In a number of recent administrative review hearings in Wisconsin, attorney Teuta Jonuzi has successfully argued that police did not follow procedures under the Implied Consent Law, resulting in no driver’s license suspension to OMVWI clients of Tracey Wood & Associates.

Result: Drivers Licenses for Our Clients Were Not Suspended

Charge: OWI

The prosecutor in this case offered to amend the charge to reckless driving after Tracey Wood & Associates presented evidence at trial but before the judge announced the verdict. The client elected to settle for the lesser charge in municipal court in Dane County.

Result: Charges Reduced to Reckless Driving

Charge: Second Offense OWI

Our attorney won a drunk driving jury trial in a second offense criminal case out of Barron County . They were able to prove that the test result was inaccurate. The jury agreed and the client’s CDL license was saved.

Result: Not Guilty Verdict

Charge: OMVWI (2nd Offense)

In Grant County, Tracey Wood and Associates just won a revocation of extended supervision hearing for a person charged with a second OMVWI offense.

Result: Revocation of Extended Supervision

Charge: OWI

Our Attorney had a drunk driving case dismissed in Dane County after arguing that the police did not have probable cause to arrest the client.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: 7th Offense PAC

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just won a 7th offense PAC (drunk driving) jury trial in Grant County.

Result: Case Won

Charge: 7th OWI

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just had a 7th OWI case dismissed in Juneau County.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charges: OWI & PAC

The client was facing an operating while under the influence and operating with a prohibited alcohol concentration first offense. The municipal court case based their case upon insufficient evidence, and the client had a .21 BAC according to the EC/IR II.

Result: Client was Found Not Guilty

Charge: 7th OWI

The client was a 7th operating while intoxicated offender out of 3 priors on a collateral attack, and he’s now being charged with a misdemeanor fourth offense.

Result: Charges Reduced

Charge: OMVWI

Client was facing an operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated charge, however Tracey Wood was able to get both cases reduced to reckless driving.

Result: Charges Reduced

Charge: OWI

A client facing OWI charges had his blood drawn while he was in jail. Tracey Wood & Associates argued to have the results of that blood test suppressed on the grounds that the State was unable to prove that the EMT who did the draw did so under the direction of a physician. The court agreed and the case was reversed.

Result: Case Reversed

Charge: OWI with a Child in the Car

A client was charged with operating under the influence with a child in the car. A conviction would have resulted in a crime on his record and mandatory jail time. He received neither penalty, as his charge was amended to a mere forfeiture violation.

Result: Charge Amended to a Forfeiture Violation

Charge: Felony OWI

Client was charged with a seventh offense OWI, which is a felony in Wisconsin. Tracey Wood presented a collateral attack defense, which negated three of the client’s prior convictions, making this a fourth offense OWI.

Result: Charges Reduced to Misdemeanor

Charge: Fifth Offense Felony OMVWI

Client in Sauk County was charged with a fifth offense OMVWI, which is a felony in Wisconsin. Tracey Wood & Associates was successful in amending this charge to a third offense misdemeanor.

Result: Charges Reduced to Misdemeanor

Charge: Three Separate Felony OWIs

After being hired for a client who had three pending OWI felony cases throughout Wisconsin, where the client had been told by his prior attorney that he could expect to be convicted of two felonies and spend time in prison, the team at Tracey Wood & Associates was able to make sure that there was NO felony conviction. One OWI was dismissed outright, and their attorney identified a successful challenge to a prior out-of-state offense which led to the other two charges being reduced. The outcome was no felony conviction and no time in prison.

Result: No Felony Convictions; One Charge Dismissed, Two Charges Reduced

Charge: OWI

A client facing an OWI charge in Dane County received a reduced charge after the team at Tracey Wood & Associates discovered that there were problems with the Intoximeter machine used in his arrest.

Result: Charge Reduced to Reckless Driving

Charge: Operating Under the Influence and Prohibited Alcohol Concentration

Tracey Wood & Associates successfully argued in the City of Edgerton Municipal Court that the error rate on the Intoximeter used in this case was such that the client was likely under the limit and not impaired at the time of arrest.

Result: Not Guilty Verdict


Charge: Appellate Rights Reinstated

Tracey Wood & Associates, with motions authored by Attorneys Andria Savitch, Brendan Delany, and Tracey Wood, successfully reinstated appellate rights for clients in two separate cases, years after the time had passed for doing so. The Wisconsin Courts of Appeal agreed that the clients should have the same right to appeal as any other litigants.

Result: Appellate Rights Reinstated

Denial of Motion for Release Pending Appeal

Tracey Wood & Associates won an appeal to the Court of Appeals, overturning a trial court’s denial of a motion to release a client from incarceration pending appeal in Waukesha County.

Result: Client Released Pending Appeal

Case Appealed

After being convicted of sex crimes in two different counties, the client requested that his attorney file an appeal on their behalf. The attorney failed to do so, costing the client their right to appeal. After the attorneys at Tracey Wood and Associates stepped in, they were able to successfully petition for a writ of habeas corpus, allowing the appeals process to begin.

Result: Conviction Appealed

Reduced Sentence

Having pled guilty to charges of using a computer to facilitate a child sex crime, the client learned afterward that new precedence had changed the circumstances of their case. The client had used a cell phone as opposed to a computer in committing their crime, which a recent ruling determined could impact a conviction. Their attorney had been unaware of this change, but fortunately, that attorneys at Tracey Wood and Associates filed for post-conviction relief based on this new precedence, which was granted by the court. In addition, prosecutors agreed to reduce the client’s sentence by one year.

Result: Reduced Sentence

Released from Prison

Convicted on charges of a sexual offense involving a child, a new client turned to the attorneys at Tracey Wood and Associates to handle the appeal. After uncovering the inadequacy of the previous attorneys’ defense, the attorneys at Tracey Wood and Associates were able to successfully appeal the case, securing the client’s release from prison.

Result: Client Released From Prison

Marijuana Possession Appeal

Tracey Wood and Associates secured a Wisconsin Court of Appeals win for a client with a prior marijuana charge.  The Wisconsin Court of Appeals court agreed that the alleged smell of THC in a vehicle was not enough to justify a search of the vehicle.

Result: Case Won

Unconstitutional Seizure Appeal

The Wisconsin Court of Appeals sided with the attorneys at Tracey Wood and Associates during a recent criminal appellate case. After a consensual encounter with our client, the police conducted an illegal seizure. This led to a win for our client.

Result: Case Won

Appeal of Blood Test Results

A big win for our client in two separate courts. Tracey Wood and another attorney argued before both the trial court and Wisconsin Court of Appeals for the suppression of the results of a blood test taken by police where consent to testing was withdrawn before the lab actually tested the blood. The circuit court judge suppressed. The State appealed, and the suppression order was upheld by the Court of Appeals.

Result: Test Results Were Suppressed


Drug Charges Appeal

A new client turned to the attorneys at Tracey Wood and Associates to handle the appeal after he was indicted for conspiracy to distribute cocaine and sentenced to 78 months in prison.  After a thorough investigation the attorneys at Tracey Wood and Associates were able to find many discrepancies with the charges filed against the client and were able to satisfy a successful appeal and outcome for the client.
Result: Appealed with Favorable Outcome

Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Appeal

Ineffective assistance of counsel is a very common reason for appeals in Wisconsin. A client that was accused of vehicular homicide and recruited Tracey Wood and Associates for help with an appeal for his criminal case.
Unfortunately, 3 weeks before this client’s trial, his attorney withdrew from his case leaving him very vulnerable and unprepared for his day in court.  Fortunately, the attorneys at Tracey Wood and Associates were able to prove that this client was not properly represented and obtained a successful appeal and favorable outcome for the client.

Result: Successful Appeal

Third OWI Offense Appeal

A client turned to Tracey Wood and Associates for a third OWI offense.
In the state of Wisconsin a third OWI charge requires mandatory jail time and this client was determined to fight the charge by recruiting the best legal defense team.

Fortunately, the attorneys at Tracey Wood and Associates were able to successfully appeal the third OWI conviction.  In addition, the attorneys challenged the two prior OWI offenses, which led to the third offense being considered a first offense.  This was a much more favorable outcome for the client because a first offense is not considered a criminal matter in Wisconsin.

Result: Third OWI Charge Reduced to First Offense Through Appeal


Drug Possession Appeal

The odor of marijuana is becoming a topic of debate by many.  This is because the innocent CBD vapor smell can be mistaken for marijuana by law enforcement and lead to law enforcement jumping to conclusions without merit.  This happened with a client that that was stopped for speeding.  After detecting the supposed odor of marijuana in the vehicle, the police unlawfully proceeded to search the vehicle and found cocaine and fentanyl in the vehicle.

Fortunately, the attorneys at Tracey Wood and Associates were able to present enough convincing evidence to the court to pursue an appeal and favorable outcome for the client.

Result: Appealed with Favorable Outcome


Ineffective Assistance of Counsel for OWI Charge

Hiring the wrong attorney can sometimes lead to detrimental outcomes.  This happened to a client that took the advice of their prior attorney to plead guilty to drunk driving which resulted in a sentence of 3 years in prison and 17 years of probation.

This defense attorney that she hired had previously violated the Supreme Court ethics rules and was obviously not properly representing the client.  Fortunately, the attorneys at Tracey Wood and Associates were able to help her obtain resentencing, which resulted in her immediate release from jail and probation instead of prison time.

Result: Immediate Release from Jail and Probation


Lack of Reasonable Suspicion Appeal for Drug Charge

In a recent drug possession case, the attorneys at Tracey Wood and Associates were able to prove that the police lacked reasonable suspicion for a seizure, which resulted in a favorable appeal for a client.

Result: Favorable Appeal for Client


OWI Appeal

Getting a fair day in court is the right of every citizen in the state of Wisconsin.  Unfortunately, sometimes the prosecution will do anything and everything that they can to convince a jury that someone is guilty of a crime.
This includes improperly admitting evidence into court. The attorneys at Tracey Wood and Associates were able to successfully obtain an appeal and new trial date due to the fact that the prosecution presented portable breath test refusal evidence to the jury in a way that implied guilt on behalf of the client.

Fortunately, client won the appeal and a new trial.

Result: Favorable Appeal and New Trial



Drug Crimes

Charge: Possession with Intent to Deliver Amphetamine/Methamphetamine

Tracey Wood & Associates, led by Attorney Jake Wiese, successfully argued for a sentence modification in a Dane County case. The motion for postconviction relief was drafted by Attorney Brendan Delany and Tracey Wood, and argued in court by Attorney Wiese. The client’s prison sentence was reduced by over two years.

Result: Sentence Modified

Charge: Felony THC Possession

Tracey Wood & Associates secured the dismissal of a felony possession of THC charge in Dunn county.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Intent to Distribute

Tracey Wood and Associates (Schuyler Boggio) just got a possession with intent to distribute fentanyl and maintaining a traffic place dismissed in Columbia county. He also won a probation revocation hearing in the same matter.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Drug Crime

Tracey Wood and Associates (Schuyler Boggio) just won a contested drug probation revocation proceeding, so the client is permitted to stay on probation instead of going to prison as the agent recommended.

Result: Client to Stay on Probation Instead of Prison

Charge: Felony Possession of Cocaine and Misdemeanor Disorderly Conduct

Tracey Wood and Associates recently helped a client secure a full pardon for a prior felony possession of cocaine charge and a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge that occurred over 20 years ago. Since 2002 our client has proactively turned his life around for the positive with no further legal violations. Our attorneys were able to draft up the legal paperwork, tell a compelling story, and even gain the support of the judge that heard our client’s case prior to receiving the pardon from Governor Evers. All of his civil rights will eventually be restored and he will truly be free from having these criminal charges follow him around for the rest of his life.

Result: Pardon from Governor Tony Evers

Charge: Drugged Driving

Tracey Wood and Associates filed a motion to suppress physical evidence from the traffic stop where there was an odor of marijuana coming from client’s car in an appellate case. We found that the officers lacked probable cause and the trial court suppressed the evidence. This was a big win for the client.

Result: Case Won

Charge: Drugged Driving

We won an operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of controlled substances case in marinette county by filing motions and convincing the prosecutor that he could not prove impairment due to the mixture of drugs and alcohol in our client’s system.
Result: Case Won

Charge: Possession with Intent to Deliver THC

Tracey and her team argued that mere proximity to drugs in a home does not establish possession or intent to deliver. The court agreed and dismissed the charge at the conclusion of the preliminary examination.

Result: Charge Dismissed

Charge: Drug Charge

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just had a federal postal inspector investigation of drugs in the mail closed with no charges.

Result: Case Dismissed

Sex Crimes

Charge: Sexual Assault

Tracey Wood & Associates achieved another victory in Rock County by getting sexual assault allegations against our client dismissed, reinforcing our commitment to our defense strategies.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Sex Offender Registry Case

Tracey Wood & Associates recently secured the removal of a client from the sex offender registry, overturning a previous order for lifelong registration.

Result: Removal of Their Name From the Sex Offender Registry

Charge: Sex Offender Registry Case

The implications of being on a sex offender registry can result in many challenges related to personal relationships, employment, housing, social isolation, and reintegrating into society. Fortunately, the skilled attorneys at Tracey Wood and Associates accomplished a remarkable feat by assisting a client in the removal of their name from the sex offender registry in Columbia County. This significant achievement afforded the client an opportunity to regain their reputation and reclaim their dignity.

Result: Removal of Their Name From the Sex Offender Registry

Charge: Sex Assault

Due to Tracey Wood and Associates’ defense investigation in this sex assault case for our client, the court dismissed the charge.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: First Degree Sexual Assault of a Child

In Dane County, Tracey Wood and Associates had a recent dismissal of first degree sexual assault of a child case.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Sexual Assault

Tracey Wood and Associates convinced the State not to charge sexual assault in a recent case, due to issue of consent. This was in Jefferson County.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Sexual Assault

In Dane county, Tracey Wood and Associates were able to get an amendment of sexual assault case to a disorderly conduct, which will be dismissed if no new violations in the next year.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Sexual Assault

Tracey Wood and Associates reached a prosecution agreement on an allegation of sexual assault with an intoxicated victim.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Second Degree Sexual Assault

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just had a dismissal of second degree sexual assault case in Wood County.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Sexual Contact

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just had an amendment of sexual contact case to an ordinance violation of disorderly conduct in Dane County.

Result: Case Reduced

Charge: Child Porn

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just had got an agreement for a client not to have child porn charges.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Second Degree Sexual Assault

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just had a dismissal of a second degree sexual assault case in Wood County.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Sexual Misconduct

We just won another Title IX sexual misconduct college expulsion hearing where the complainant was alleging our client sexually assaulted her while she was intoxicated. The investigator agreed with our argument that the evidence suggested the sexual contact was consensual. Thus, there were no disclipinary entries, suspension, or expulsion ordered.
Result: Case Won

Charge: Sexual Assault

In Jefferson County, Tracey Wood and Associates got the State to drop a sexual assault charge by showing that the alleged victim made the allegation to try and collect on a civil suit.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Sex Crime

In Sauk County, Tracey Wood & Associates filed a petition to have a client removed from the sex offender registry when we represented him after conviction, even though he was supposed to be on for life.

Result: Client Removed From Sex Offender Registry

Charge: Second Degree Sexual Assault

In Dane county after preparation for trial on three counts of second degree sexual assault and at the beginning of trial, the State dropped felony charges and reduced to misdemeanor. This avoided any felony conviction and sex offender registration for the firm’s client.

Result: Charges Reduced to Misdemeanor

Charge: Possession of Child Pornography

In a Dane County case alleging possession of child pornography, our attorney discovered that the police illegally searched his client’s phone, leading to a dismissal of the child pornography charges, avoiding mandatory prison sentences and sex offender registration.

Result: Charges Dismissed

Charge: Attempted Sexual Assault (Postconviction Hearing)

In a postconviction hearing in Dane County on a case of attempted sexual assault involving two high-schoolers, our attorney successfully argued that it was not necessary to have his client continue to be classified as a registered sex offender.

Result: The Client Is Now Off of the Sex Offender Registry

Charge: First Degree Sexual Assault of a Child

A client in Dane County was charged with first degree sexual assault of a child. Tracey Wood & Associates was able to show that statements against our client were the result of a relationship break up and a custody battle over the couple’s infant child. It was our belief that all the allegations were false and used as an attempt for the ex spouse to try and get custody of the other child. The jury agreed.

Result: Not Guilty Verdict

Charge: Sexual Assault

Our client—a college student—was charged with sexual assault, which could have resulted in incarceration and mandatory sex offender registration. Tracey Wood and her team were successful in achieving a not guilty verdict in a jury trial and clearing the client’s name.

Result: Not Guilty Verdict

Charge: First Degree Sexual Assault of a Child (Appeal)

Client was convicted of first degree sexual assault of a child. On appeal, Tracey Wood & Associates argued that the client received ineffective assistance of trial counsel. The judge agreed and the verdict was reversed.

Result: Appeal Granted, Client Released From Prison

Charge: Inappropriate Touching of a Child

The client was accused of inappropriately touching a child. While he was under investigation and before charges were filed, he retained the services of attorney Tracey Wood. Her team was able to prevent charges from ever being filed, which saved the client’s job and reputation.

Result: No Charges Filed

Charge: Sexual Assault

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just represented a client with police who was accused of sexual assault which resulted in no referral to the district attorney’s office in Dane County.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Sexual Assault

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just had an agreement to do a deferred prosecution on a sexual assault case which resulted in a dismissal in Dane County.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Sexual Assault and Strangulation

Tracey Wood and Associates was able to get charges of sexual assault and strangulation against a client dismissed in Dane County.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Sexual Assault of a Child

A client who worked as a teacher’s aide was in prison for child sexual assault. He maintained his innocence from the beginning, but lost his first case at trial. Tracey Wood & Associates argued ineffective assistance of council on appeal. The judge agreed and reversed the conviction and ordered a new trial. The client has been released from prison and has been reunited with his family fir the first time in nearly three years.

Result: Conviction Overturned; New Trial Ordered

Charge: Sex Crime Involving Underage Victim

Client was convicted of a sex crime involving an underage victim in Monroe County. Tracey Wood & Associates filed a post-conviction motion to vacate the conviction. The motion was granted.

Result: Conviction Vacated

Charge: First Degree Sexual Assault of a Child

The conviction was reversed on an appeal and the client was released from prison. The case should have never have resulted in a conviction in the first place and we argued ineffective assistance of trial counsel. The court agreed and the conviction was reversed.

Result: Conviction Was Reversed

Charge: Sexual Assault

In Dane county, a client charged with sexual assault was acquitted at a jury trial led by our attorneys.

Result: Not Guilty Verdict

Charge: Sexual Assault

The attorneys at Tracey Wood & Associates protected a client from being charged with sexual assault in two different counties by presenting proof that the alleged victim was motivated to lie in a custody battle.

Result: No Charges Filed

Charge: Sexual Assault

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just saved a student from expulsion after a false allegation of sexual assault at his college.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Sexual Assault

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just won a school expulsion hearing due to allegations of sexual assault at a college dorm.

Result: Case Won

Charge: Child Pornography

In Columbia County, Tracey Wood and Associates just won a child pornography case by convincing the judge to suppress the evidence derived from a bad warrant. The State moved to dismiss, and the client avoided charges with 3 years prison minimum.

Result: Case Won


Charge: Immigration/Residency

In what is currently a tough immigration climate, their attorney was able to overcome questions about a client’s criminal history and achieved a permanent legal residency for the client.

Result: Permanent Legal Residency Granted

Theft & Burglary

Charge: Theft

Tracey Wood and Associates (Brendan Delany) worked a case involving theft, and was dismissed in Dane County.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Theft By Fraud

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just had a theft by fraud case where an agreement not to prosecute was reached in Dane County.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Burglary

Tracey Wood & Associates represented a client on appeal who had been convicted of multiple counts of burglary. The firm argued that the client’s first attorney was ineffective in representing him in the first trial. The court agreed.

Result: New Trial Awarded

Charge: Armed Robbery

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just had an armed robbery charge dismissed as part of a plea to a lesser charge for a probationary disposition in Columbia County.

Result: Case Reduced

Hit & Run

Charge: Hit-and-Run and Stalking

Tracey Wood & Associates recently prevented the filing of both hit and run charges and stalking charges in two separate counties.

Result: Charges Prevented

Charge: Hit-and-Run

The attorneys at Tracey Wood & Associates were able to convince a prosecutor in Dane County that the State lacked the evidence to prove their client was the driver of a vehicle in a hit and run case. All charges dismissed prior to trial.

Result: Charges Dismissed

Charge: Hit-and-Run

A client in Dodge County was charged with hit-and-run. Tracey Wood & Associates successfully argued to have this charge dismissed.

Result: Charges Dismissed

Charge: Hit-and-Run

This client was charged with hit-and-run. Tracey Wood negotiated with the prosecutor, who agreed to dismiss the case.

Result: Case Dismissed


Charge: Felony Stalking

The client was facing felony stalking charges. Tracey Wood successfully fought to have the charge amended to a misdemeanor that was punishable by only three months of probation.

Result: Charges Reduced; Client Served Three Months Probation

Charge: Cyberstalking

Tracey Wood and Associates had a cyberstalking reduced to a misdemeanor in western district Wisconsin.

Result: Case Reduced to Lesser Charges

Charge: Federal Cyberstalking

Client was facing federal cyberstalking charges. Tracey Wood & Associates won the case.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Telephone Harassment

In Dane County, a client was charged with telephone harassment. Tracey Wood & Associates worked to have the prosecution dismiss the charges against the client.

Result: Charges Dismissed

White Collar Crimes

Charge: Fraud

Tracey Wood and Associates convinced the prosecutor to not charge fraud against one of their clients.

Result: Case Reduced to Lesser Charges

Charge: White Collar Fraud

Tracey Wood and Associates had a white-collar fraud case dismissed in western district Wisconsin.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Fraud

Tracey Wood and Associates convinced the Federal Western District of Wisconsin investigator not to charge our client in a recent fraud case.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: White Collar Fraud

Tracey Wood and Associates was able to reach a civil agreement instead of charges for our client on a claim of defrauding a company out of 1.2 million dollars.

Result: Case Reduced to Lesser Charge

Charge: Embezzlement and Fraud

After negotiating with the prosecutor, who learned that there were many defenses to the case, the team at Tracey Wood & Associates was able to convince the prosecutor not to charge our client with embezzlement and fraud.

Result: No Charges Filed

Charge: Embezzling

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just had an agreement not to prosecute a client charged with embezzling over $200,000 from their company reached.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Bankruptcy Fraud

The client was facing federal bankruptcy fraud charges with allegations of hiding assets and failure to report income—in the millions of dollars. Tracey and her team worked to secure a favorable deal where the client served a short period of time behind bars followed by probation.

Result: Deal Reached With Minimal Jail Time in A Federal Case

Charge: Fraud

Our client was facing fraud charges. The charges were dismissed due to the prosecution’s inability to prove intent.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Federal Wire Fraud

Our client was in the midst of a federal wire fraud investigation when Tracey Wood & Associates stepped in. The firm helped the client avoid conviction.

Result: Case Dismissed

Physical Violence

Charge: Disorderly Conduct and Substantial Battery

Tracey Wood & Associates, represented by Attorney Jake Wiese, successfully argued for the dismissal of all charges in a Dane County case after the client was found not competent to proceed.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Domestic Abuse

Tracey Wood & Associates secured a win in Dane County, where Attorney Jake Wiese successfully argued that the allegations in a domestic abuse injunction hearing were insufficient, leading to the dismissal of the case.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Battery

Tracey Wood & Associates recently obtained an expungement agreement from the District Attorney in Jefferson County for a battery case dating back to the 1980s. This achievement brings immense satisfaction to our client.

Result: Expungement Agreement

Charge: Battery

Tracey Wood and Associates effectively had a battery case dismissed.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Battery

Tracey Wood and Associates (Andria Savitch) won a hotly contested bond argument where the state was seeking $10,000 in cash on a battery case. Andria Savitch also was able to secured a signature bond.

Result: Case Won

Charge: Disorderly Conduct

In a recent case, the attorneys at Tracey Wood and Associates achieved the dismissal of a disorderly conduct charge for a client in Columbia County. This was achieved through meticulous preparation and unwavering determination to achieve the best possible outcome.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Battery

In Walworth County, Tracey Wood and Associates just won a battery to nursing staff felony charge by arguing no intent to harm, and the court dismissed.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Child Abuse

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just got a child abuse (shaken baby) case dismissed in Dane County.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Domestic Abuse

Their attorney was able to convince a prosecutor and judge in Waupaca County to reopen and amend an old domestic abuse criminal case to a non-criminal disposition. This allowed the firm’s client to reinstate his firearms and hunting privileges. They were successful even after another attorney had tried and failed to get the case reopened.

Result: Charge Amended To Non-Criminal Disposition

Charge: Domestic Dispute

Joshua Hargrove of Tracey Wood and Associates successfully secured the dismissal of a case with numerous domestic dispute charges in Dodge County.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Multiple Criminal Charges

A client in Lafayette County was charged with attempted homicide, false imprisonment and first degree reckless endangerment. Tracey Wood & Associates was successful in having the charges against the client dismissed.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Restraining Order Violation

The client was charged with violating a restraining order. Tracey Wood took on the case and got the charge dismissed.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Battery

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just had a battery case with a deferred prosecution resulting in a dismissal.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Restraining Order

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just won a restraining order hearing for a client.

Result: Case Won

Charge: Felony and Misdemeanor Domestic Charges

In Dane county, after the close of evidence after they successfully argued the jury should hear additional information in a domestic case involving both felony and misdemeanor charges, the State dismissed all charges.

Result: Charges Reduced

Charge: Strangulation and Felony Battery

At the end of a two-day trial, the State moved to dismiss all counts in a felony domestic assault case in Dane County. Their attorney brought out inconsistencies in the complaining witness’ statement. New evidence was also discovered at trial. When the Judge granted their attorney’s motion to present that evidence to the jury, the case was dismissed. A happy client is now able to move on with his life.

Result: Charges Dismissed

Charge: Strangulation and Reckless Endangerment

Client was facing felony charges of strangulation and reckless endangerment. These charges were amended to misdemeanor battery and the client was only required to serve probation.

Result: Felony Charges Dismissed

Charge: Criminal Battery, Resisting Arrest, Disorderly Conduct

Our client was charged with three offenses: criminal battery, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. Tracey Wood successfully fought to amend these charges to noncriminal ordinance violations, which are less serious offenses.

Result: Charges Amended To Non-Criminal Violations

Charge: Violating a Domestic Abuse Injunction

A client did not realize that writing a letter would constitute a violation of a domestic abuse injunction. Tracey Wood & Associates pleaded his case in front of a jury in Dane County and achieved a not guilty verdict.

Result: Not Guilty Verdict

Charge: Strangulation and Suffocation

Our client was charged with strangulation and suffocation. Tracey Wood & Associates obtained a deferred prosecution agreement in lieu of criminal charges on the client’s behalf.

Result: No Criminal Charges and A Deferred Prosecution Agreement Only

Charge: Second Degree Reckless Endangerment

Tracey Wood & Associates worked to have a second degree reckless endangerment charge against a client in Sauk County dropped.

Result: Charges Dropped


Charge: Negligent Homicide

Tracey Wood & Associates successfully prevented a negligent homicide case from being charged criminally. Due to the sensitive nature of the case, the county is not being disclosed. Our team worked diligently to protect the client from criminal charges.

Result: No Criminal Charges Filed

Charge: Homicide

In a significant victory, Tracey Wood & Associates persuaded the State to concede on a Knight petition in a homicide case from Milwaukee County. The State agreed to grant the petition, thus restoring the client’s appellate rights and securing a hearing to address concerns regarding the effectiveness of the appellate counsel.

Result: Petition Granted

Charge: Hit and Run Homicide

A client was charged with hit and run homicide. Tracey Wood and Associates worked to achieve a not guilty verdict on the client’s behalf.

Result: Jury Found Client Not Guilty

Charge: First Degree Intentional Homicide

A client in Dane County was charged with first degree intentional homicide. If convicted, the client faced mandatory life imprisonment. The team at Tracey Wood & Associates petitioned for a lesser charge. The jury agreed and the client was acquitted.

Result: Not Guilty Verdict

Charge: Homicide by Intoxicated Use of a Motor Vehicle

Client was charged with two counts of homicide by intoxicated use of a motor vehicle. Tracey and her team were able to prove that the accident would have happened even if the client had not been drinking.

Result: Charge Dismissed

Eluding Police

Charge: Felony Eluding

In Wisconsin, Tracey Wood and Associates just won a felony eluding where the officer dismissed in Columbia County.

Result: Case Dismissed

Charge: Felony Eluding a Police Officer

Tracey Wood took on this case and was able to have the felony charge of eluding a police officer dismissed.

Result: Felony Charge Dismissed


Charge: Injunction Hearing – Civil Penalty

Hargrove, Jonuzi & Wood, with Attorney Darryl Watts advocating for the client, won an injunction hearing in Dane County, protecting the client from a severe civil penalty.

Result: Injunction Denied

Charge: Victim Representation

Tracey Wood & Associates filed a motion to quash a subpoena for deposition, successfully preventing their client, a victim in the case, from being required to testify at a deposition.

Result: Subpoena Quashed

Bail Jumping

Tracey Wood & Associates recently achieved the dismissal of a bail jumping case in Dane County due to insufficient evidence from the State.

Result: Case Dismissed

Victim’s Rights Case

Tracey Wood & Associates, with Attorney Jacob Wiese, successfully quashed a subpoena in a victim’s rights case in Eau Claire County.

Result: Subpoena Quashed

Post-Conviction Motion

Attorney Brendan Delany of Tracey Wood & Associates won a post-conviction motion for DNA testing in Milwaukee County.

Result: Motion Won

Multi-Count Felony Case

Tracey Wood & Associates is pleased to announce a recent success in winning an appellate writ of habeas corpus in a multi-count felony case originating from Milwaukee County.

Result: Success

Probation Revocation Hearing

Tracey Wood and Associates achieved success in a probation revocation hearing, where the administrative law judge concurred with our stance that treatment, rather than revocation and imprisonment, was appropriate.

Result: Success

Injunction Hearing

Tracey Wood and Associates successfully represented a client in an injunction hearing in Dane County, resulting in the dismissal of the injunction.

Result: Success

Charge: Criminal Operating After Revocation

Tracey Wood and Associates had an amendment to a non-criminal charge in Jefferson County for a criminal operating after revocation.

Result: Case Amended

Charge: Felony Criminal Damage to Property

The client was charged with felony criminal damage to property based upon property destruction as a result of a car accident. The firm argued that accidents, by their very nature, don’t carry intent to destroy property. Without intent, there can be no felony criminal damage to property as intent is an element. The court agreed and dismissed the charge at preliminary examination.

Result: Charge Dismissed

Saved CDL Driver

Tracey Wood & Associates, represented by Attorney Darryl Watts, successfully prevented a CDL driver from losing their license administratively and recently won an injunction hearing, demonstrating that the petitioner had made false allegations against their client.

Result:Won an Injunction Hearing


Tracey Wood & Associates won a reconsideration motion for a petition for sentence adjustment in Rock County. Originally, the judge denied the client’s petition, but after hiring the firm, it was granted today upon reconsideration.

Result:Won Reconsideration Motion


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