If you have a loved one in jail in Monroe County, WI, we understand the first thought on your mind is likely how soon he or she can be released. While this depends on a number of factors, working with a knowledgeable attorney can help speed up the process. However, it is important to understand how jail release works and how you can visit your loved one in the meantime.
The Monroe County Sherriff’s Office is located at 112 S. Court St. Room 500 in Sparta, Wisconsin. If you would like to visit a loved one in jail, visiting hours are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8 to 10 a.m. and Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 6 to 9 p.m. You can call (608) 269-2117 for additional information.
To get released from Monroe County Jail, you must first make bail. The bail amount will depend on the crime that the accused is being charged with, and will often take into consideration prior offenses. In Wisconsin, you cannot go through a bondsman to make bail, but there are a few other options you could utilize.
We understand the stress that both you and the defendant are under during this time and want to help alleviate some of the uncertainty. At Tracey Wood & Associates, we can help guide you and your loved one through the legal process quickly and efficiently. Schedule a free review of your case today.
Call (608) 490-5779 or Schedule a Free Case Evaluation Online