Bond, otherwise known as bail, is a payment or promise of a payment to the court that allows someone to be released from prison after being arrested. There are two types of bonds in Wisconsin:
Sometimes a judge can prescribe a combination of cash bond and signature bond or require more than one signature on a co-signature bond– usually a parent or guardian.
The court will consider a number of factors in determining the bond amount including a previous criminal record, the severity of the charges, attendance at previous court dates, and your ability to post bond.
If you are found not guilty or if your charges are dropped, the cash posted as bond will be returned. If not, the money will be used to cover court fees and fines or given to victims as part of a settlement. After that, any remaining funds will be returned.
Contact Tracey Wood and Associates for immediate assistance with your case and obtaining a bond.
Call (608) 490-5779 or Schedule a Free Case Evaluation Online